
Economic Development & Business Consulting

Economic Development

I offer a full-range of services in Economic Development, including Project Life-Cycle Management, strategy- and policy-design, appraisal, advisory and research services and capacity enhancement in Aid for Trade, Private Sector Development and other Economic Development disciplines.

Trade and exports are the key for employment and entrepreneurship, i.e. for reduction of inequality and poverty and increasing well-being and affluence for individuals and nations. My expertise on Economic Development comes with strong drive for results and extensive experience in regional integration, poverty reduction, gender equality, reduction of inequality and climate sustainability. I am a capacity enhancement and trade mainstreaming specialist, with sound track record on trade policy, trade facilitation, value-chain development, NTB’s, women & trade and other trade and exports development disciplines as well as in development policy, cooperation and programming, and the necessary research, analysis and participatory consultative processes preceding any action.

Economic Development policies and programming have an impact if they are, most notably, relevant, effective & efficient, sustainable and results-driven. I have a long-term experience in designing and implementing monitoring and evaluation systems and Results-Based Management systems, and, most notably, carrying out appraisals, reviews and evaluations.

In my past, I have covered the grounds of Economic Development working in-country for the UN, from the headquarters’ positions of UN-agencies and the WTO, as a donor government representative (MFA Finland) and as an International Consultant. I am particularly familiar with the English-speaking Africa, parts of Asia-Pacific and increasingly with the Balkans.

Countries with which I have worked with on a long-term basis and visited frequently include, inter alia, Ethiopia, Gambia, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South-Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia; Bangladesh, Cambodia, East Timor, India, Laos, Maldives, Nepal, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Vanuatu; and Kosovo.

Business Consulting

I offer a comprehensive set of services to companies seeking to partner between “The North and The South”, create value-chains covering the developing world, and in search of new partners. My expertise lies in particular with the Finnish, and the African and Asian markets and businesses.

Trade and investment, value-chain development and business linkages can add value, well-being and affluence to all involved – including the “Northern “ entrepreneur/enterprise, the “Southern” counterpart and the communities around them – but only if the economic collaboration is designed and managed right. I can provide your company with country- and market information and analysis, match-making services, advisory services and support. I have a consultancy agreement with Finnpartnership and know the Tekes BEAM-programme as well as other support instruments available to Finnish companies rather well. Most importantly, I’m an entrepreneur myself.

Countries and markets I know best and have most networks in include, inter alia, Ethiopia, Gambia, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South-Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia; Bangladesh, Cambodia, East Timor, India, Laos, Maldives, Nepal, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Vanuatu; and Kosovo.


  • International Development
  • International Trade
  • Aid for Trade
  • Economic Development
  • Private Sector Development
  • Business Consulting
  • Regional Integration
  • Trade Policy and Facilitation
  • Trade and Exports Development
  • Project Life-Cycle Management
  • Appraisals, Reviews, Evaluation
  • Business Linkages and Matchmaking

Geographical Areas
